• Please make sure that we are dating our food in our employee break room fridge.

  • We now have snacks for employees! If you ever find yourself hungry, but you are on a budget, we have snacks and supplies to make P,B & J sandwiches in the employee break area! Feel free to grab whatever!

  • FOCUS POINT: Attitude at work! While we all have our off days, it is always important to put that aside when interacting with both customers and fellow employees alike. Be positive, kind, and take a second to think about your approach and possible actions to a situation before following through with said actions. We always aim to provide great service to our customers and that all starts with your mindset!


  • Please try and refrain from doing closing tasks when we are still open and have a reasonable amount of customers within our establishment. By completing closing tasks too early, customers might feel that they are being rushed to leave.

  • Please try to ensure that we are still providing excellent customer service, regardless of what time of the day it is and how busy we are. We should always be trying our best to check in with customers, pre-bus tables, and ensure that our restaurant is always ready to go for our next customers.

  • When we run out of the Airlie Rosé, we will be out of stock until next Summer.

  • We will be out of Hoppy Holidays cans this week, but feel free to tell customers that the newest batch of Hoppy Holidays (along with more cans) will be out next week!

  • Please make sure that we are updating everything on our specials boards and within our system. This includes the date we ran out of said product, clear and concise names for items, and we should be constantly checking that everything is fully updated.

  • Please keep pushing Deep Seek cans and draft!

  • FOCUS POINT: Refrigerator temperatures! Please check the temperatures on the bar fridges throughout the day. If you notice that a fridge is not operating the way it is supposed to, feel free to ask a manager who can show you how to reset the fridge to the proper temperature.


  • Please be sure to flip the chef base at the end of the night. This includes wiping the containers and crossbars, as well as changing the cheese pan.

  • Items that are held at room temperature and/or are dry (croutons, wontons, crackers, etc.) can be cooled in the kitchen, then backed out once at room temp. These items will get soggy if placed in the walk-in.

  • Since we have new holders for our fifos, please make sure that we are keeping all similar fifos in a row. The newest-filled fifos should be at the back of the reach-in.

  • FOCUS POINT: Maintaining the temperature log and the weekly cleaning list! If you find yourself with downtime, please try and update the temperature log and complete the weekly cleaning checklist.