• Please read the brewsletter to learn all of the new information regarding our new batch of Deep Seek! It is extremely important that everyone reads this information that our team put a lot of time and effort into putting together.

  • The locksmith came to the taproom and fixed the lock for the front door and also oiled the side door! Woohoo!

  • The last OSU home football game is this Saturday at 4:30 PM. This game is completely sold out, so be prepared for it to be BUSY!

  • FOCUS POINT: Stay Positive! As we enter our gloomy season and the crazy holiday season, it is important that we all stay positive and remember that we are all a fantastic team! In the end, we are all working towards the same goals and we all need to work together! Boost each other up, give a compliment to someone, and have fun! You are all wonderful people and we all appreciate you so much!


  • If you happen to start a project, cleaning task, cocktail, etc. please make sure that you are seeing it through to completion and to clean up after yourself, if needed. If you get pulled away from said task, please try and loop back to the task as soon as you can in order to finish the task and put things back where they belong.

  • When changing out kegs, please make sure that you are putting the empty keg in the dirty keg area (versus leaving it in the walk-in). This helps immensely with keeping the walk-in decluttered and it helps with keeping an accurate count of our keg inventory.

  • Talk up our new themed nights with guests! We now have: craft night, student night, and game night. Try and work it into conversations when you can!

  • FOCUS POINT: Deep Seek! Our wonderful brewery staff has spent a great amount of time updating Deep Seek in order to make it the tastiest, everyday-drinking West Coast IPA around! We have put in a lot of time and effort into launching this new batch and we want you all to be as STOKED as we are! Please make sure that you are reading all of the materials regarding Deep Seek that are sent your way and pay attention to some fun things that are coming up soon that involve the new Deep Seek!


  • We no longer need to pre-puff the puff pastry for the pot pie. 

  • All of our fifo containers have been labeled with what sauces belong in each container. Please ensure that we are keeping all containers organized and that every sauce is being rotated properly.

  • Keep up to date on all our specials we have going on, including the salmon bowl to pair with Deep Seek that runs this Friday-Sunday.

  • FOCUS POINT: Be friendly! Keep the morale high when on the line! Tell a joke, start a conversation, give a compliment, etc. work together and make connections with one another if you can! Make the work day a little better for each other.