• Common Bond IPA is a beer that we exclusively packaged for friends and the Block 15 family, 1 free 4-pack will be given to each employee, starting this Friday (3/5). Just check in with the bartender at either location so they can check your name off the list! This beer will also be available on draft and for sale to the public that way. 

  • Good as Gold Pale Ale will also be (on draft only) released this Friday (3/5).

  • Switching take out and delivery from Caves to the Pub should always be a conversation between the Pub/ Caves staff members before any changes are made so everyone is looped in! 


  • Hot drinks (including cocktails) no longer need to come on a small app plant unless they need a spoon on the side, such as tea or coffee. 

  • If a customer is concerned about the spice level of the Chickpea Shawarma, the Shata can be put on the side to allow them to control the spice level. 

  • Please remember to soak the ice cream scoop in a soda cut filled with cold water between uses.

  • Servers, just a heads up: Members from HP will be coming in (about 12 people separately, not one group) that can get up to $30 off their tab per person, there will be a discount button for these specific people. 

  • Delivery drivers, please remember to water all outside planters with two pitchers of water (each) on Wednesdays and Sundays. Bench planters should get one pitcher per wooden box, on Sundays as well. 


  • Scooping and Weighing awareness week! Make sure you are weighing out portions of protein and using the right scoops for consistency purposes. 

  • Please set your team up for greatness! As openers let's make sure to do “shift change” before leaving. Catch up on dishes, take the garbage out, sweep the line, etc.