• We are excited to announce we will be launching TOAST our new POS system Thursday 12/17

  • Nachos will be available again at the Pub starting tomorrow, 12/9. However, we will be substituting diced avocado for the guacamole for the time being. Servers, please make sure to inform guests when ordered. 

  • If you are the one to brew Iced tea in the morning please only brew a Half Batch (during winter months).

  • Let's focus on the Southwest Salad for food feedback this week. 


  • Please feel comfortable coming behind the bar to pour your own beers (and making cocktails if you’re bar trained), especially when the bartender is serving another customer. 

  • The Take out & Delivery team has been great about getting the correct food out even when it's busy! However, when bagging takeout/ delivery orders please take a moment to double check you have all the small side additions like wontons, croutons, veggie sticks and slaw that may come with an order and are easy to miss in the rush of things. 

  • To clarify, it is our expectation that you make a Good Faith Effort when asking if tables are 2 or fewer households. We are not asking you to check and compare I.D.s

  • When using the company vehicles for delivery, there are now Check Out  lists for both vehicles to be filled out after each use by the driver.  Just a quick lap around the truck or van to make sure there are no new damages to the vehicle.


  • Let’s make sure before 86ing a menu item to have another employee double check for the product(s) downstairs you are missing. 

  • Prep, please check in with the AM Bartender prior to making new syrups for the bar, as we are going through those products at a much slower pace than usual but can inform you if something is selling well and we need to up the par.  

  • Kitchen staff, Please try to run loads of dishes as you open the kitchen rather than leaving them for the end so you  don’t have a pile to catch up on once we are open for service.

  • As we are adjusting to serving a smaller capacity, trust your judgement- if the quality of a product is below our standards to serve, then waste log that product as needed. Be sure to communicate with prep if it’s a large amount so they can consider changing the par on that item.