• Mon & Tues 12/24 & 12/25 - Closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas

  • Mon 12/31 - Closed on New Year’s Eve

  • Mon 1/7 - Block 15 holiday party

  • Sun 2/3 - Super Bowl Sunday - closed after brunch service

  • Mon 2/18 - Bourbon Dinner

  • Sat & Sun 4/13 & 4/14 Corvallis Half Marathon


  • Signing Read and Signs - There will be a paper copy of the read and sign posted in the back hall every week. You are required to sign that after you have read it or the online version. You will get one chance to miss signing the R&S.

  • Menu Changes – This week we will be making a few small menu changes. Pulled pork will now also be an add on to the butternut salad and Flanders bier grilled sweet onions a burger add on.  

  • Short and Sweet Communication – During busy times in order help communication in the kitchen we ask that the line and servers try and cut out extra verbiage. For example, FOH staff may be saying “table 3 is starting to look really annoyed and I’ve got back a few times to check in, is their table close?” and the line would reply “table 3 is waiting on a few more things to finish but I’m plating some of it now”. Moving forward communication along the lines of “could I please get a time for table 3” with a response of “3 will be up in less than 2 minutes, thanks” will be much more efficient, polite and have less “chatter” for others to sort through.

  • Brunch Menu - Oops! We have been selling serrano sprouts during brunch and this item isn’t on the brunch menu. We will no longer be allowing anyone to order it during brunch. We do not have the ingredients on the line for this item during brunch service. Sorry for the confusion but we want to stick to the very intentional menus that Dana and her staff curate.  

  • Better food descriptions- It was brought up at the all staff meeting and we would like to remind everyone that the expectation is for food to be described a bit more when dropped at a table. This will help drive home just how special the food we make at Caves is. Example: Instead of “Here is your Steak” pick one or two descriptions that drive home the quality and value:  

    • “For you we have the 24-day house dry aged steak.”

    • “For you we have steak with the locally foraged Chanterelles.”

    • “For you we have the house cut sirloin with the dubbel beer bordelaise.”


  • Block 15 Shuffle - The shuffle seems to be getting a little confused so I would like to make sure everyone is on the same page. Items we do no use a lot of and Block does we get from them. Sometimes those items will be nearing the end of their life so we transfer them back to Block to get used up more quickly. When there is a list for the line of Block items they should be labeled as shuffle, or get. Items that say shuffle (bier onions, burger onions, meatballs, etc.), we will take what we have here to the line at Block and bring back items of a newer date to Caves. If the items at Block are the same date as the ones brought over, don’t shuffle and let a lead know. If an item says get (mix greens) we will just get and transfer the item to us. If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask a lead for more explanation.

  • Dates – When transferring something from a large back to a small back for the line please make sure that the new back also gets a date that matches the larger back. The items found lately without this are, cleaned chanterelles, blanched sprouts and bucatini.

  • Expo modifications call out – If working an expo position it would be very helpful if we could make sure to point out modifications to dishes when passing them off to a server. For example, “here is your burger no pickles for position 4” rather than “here is the burger for position 4”. This sets the server up for success by allowing them to know exactly what they are taking and being able to answer promptly if a customer asks them about the food being brought to them.

  • New schedule design and expectations- The kitchen schedule coming out this week for next week will look a bit different than it usually does. DON’T FEAR!!! This will be explained in more detail as to why and the expectations of these changes in next weeks read and sign. Tune in next week for more details!


  • Bathroom Cleanliness – When mopping the bathrooms make sure to sweep, and mop behind the doors. Take the time to look for grime, and give it an extra scrub. After sanitizing the paper towel dispenser, take a dry paper towel and buff out the smudges.

  • Juice Glasses – We will now use the Samuel Smith half pint glasses for juice. A serving of juice will be to the 25cl line.

  • Ice Tea – The only pitcher for ice tea will be behind the bar. We are selling a lot less ice tea this time of year, and want to make sure we maintain a quality product. If you need a refill please ask the bartender.

  • Big Hello’s, and sincere Farewells – Always acknowledge a new guest, and welcome them to our restaurant. As guests are leaving the restaurant thank them for dining with us, and wish them sincere farewell.