• While things are seeming to go back to somewhat normal, we are still in the middle of a Pandemic! Please, please, please make sure we are being diligent and mindful of our sanitizing. If you see a coworker neglecting sanitization in some way, call them out! Remind them (nicely), they may just be on auto-pilot and we want to form a new (uber clean) normal!

  •  On that note, there will be a “Suggestion” box for anything you feel may be getting neglected when it comes to sanitizing/preventing the spread of germs and COVID.

  • We are low-key requiring masks (STRONGLY encouraging them) for customers, so as employees please lead by example and wear your mask into work - don’t walk through the restaurant without your mask and then put it on before your shift. If you are off shift/clock out do not be behind the bar without your mask.

  • I am going to be following up with people who aren’t signing the read & sign so make my job easy and sign it!!


  • Hosting: Focus on reservations vs walk-ins. It is ok to fill the restaurant with reservations and turn down walk-ins. We are hoping this will prompt more people to make reservations for their next visit!

  • Reusable menus are back! Make sure we are wiping them down after every contact. We will now be asking groups if they would like menus, but we do not need to give every individual a menu - use your judgement so we don’t run out of menus. Sanitizing will mostly fall on the host but if they are accumulating at the bar, sanitize them as you collect them so you have fresh n’ clean ones for bar customers.

  • A reminder now that we have open tabs, for employees put “zz” before their name so we are all at the bottom. This makes it easier to find customer tabs :)

  • If customers do not have a mask please offer them a disposable mask. We are STRONGLY encouraging (low-key require) masks for customers. If we cannot increase the amount of customers wearing masks in common areas we will start straight up requiring them.

  • Communicate with customers if you get an online order in before a bar customer it is ok to run the online order first! “I’ll be right with you, I just need to get this order out.”


  • If a ticket comes through without a table number immediately tell FOH. We want to catch true To Go orders before we plate them, so we can get an idea of what time they will be there and put them in To Go boxes so they are hot n’ ready for the customer.