• Welcome Board:

    • Emerging Sunshine can release next Tuesday, 3/10!



  • Only fill the new ceramic bullets ½ full of bier cheese for the pretzel! We don’t want too much extra coming back and getting wasted.


  • As we start to go into spring, let’s make sure to check weather in the morning and plan accordingly - be that calling someone in early, potentially phasing early, etc. K10 will be creating  procedure for that, either via the opening list or the calendar or something along those lines, so be on the lookout.

  • When stocking beer, make sure that the pallet in the back matches the reach in - so double check that we don’t 86 something that exists on the restock pallet.

  • On the note of the reach in, be intentional about restocking and facing. It should look good and be stocked. That’s how we sling more beer!

  • There is a write-up in the binder about verbiage to use when dealing with emotional support animals and service animals, and how to properly do so. Please familiarize yourself with it!

  • FOH’ers, you can help BOH with taking temps!! Check in with them as you take out the recycling, get phased, etc.

  • Nothing should go on the reach in bottom shelf except for packaged beer that has already been purchased and labeled as such. Single cans/broken up 4-packs should go on the shelf with the other like beer!!!

  • The rope separating the TR space from the tanks should not hook directly on the door anymore...put it on the other barrel that is set-up near the door from here on out. Hooking it on the door creates tension and is the reason that door didn’t sit in it’s track correctly.  


  • Turn down the heat on the bier cheese! It burns a bit easier, so while cooking it and heating it back up don’t overheat it. It should be cooked on med-low heat - we will have a specific flattop number for you to heat it up at, Manny will let you all know!