
  • Here is the run-down for all things Sports coming at us: Tuesday OSU Baseball vs Gonzaga, Fri-Sun OSU Baseball USC, & Fri-Sun OSU Softball vs Washington… Be Ready for some action!

  • We want to run Tomato Basil on Wednesdays to pair with the Grilled Happy. Wednesday BOH openers, please run tomato basil as your vegetarian soup, plus the oldest meat soup. Thursday BOH openers, please go back to the regular rotation (oldest vegetarian soup and oldest meat soup). We will be out of rotation for a day, but we will still be able to sell the soups within the appropriate amount of time.  

  • If you are going into the walk-in, please close the door behind you so we don't waste energy.

  • FOCUS POINT: Sani Awareness! Make sure we are completing our Sani lists at their designated times and being thorough when cleaning messy areas. Sani should be changed every two hours or when it starts to look murky, whichever comes first. Clean Sani for both the FOH & BOH is very important!


  • The new hokey arrived! Please make sure to stay up on sweeping debris during slow times to keep the carpet looking nicer between rushes. If you start to notice issues with the hokey, let a manager know so we can order a new one.  

  • Always use bus bins and drink racks upstairs, or immediately bus to downstairs. Dirty Dishes should never live on top of Server station. This area is very visible to customers that are eating and it should be kept tidy and organized.

  • Kids lids and straws are not compostable! The straws are biodegradable, but still cannot go in the compost. 

  • On the Mondays where the special cleaning task is to remove & clean the bulb covers above tables 1-7, please wait until your 10:30 gets here so they can help to clean these since this is often a two person job. We have broken this up into sections so that you will not need to clean all 7 in one morning.

  • As we break down the server bus station in the kitchen and wipe down that rack, we should be sweeping under it each night. Please use the kitchen broom to do this.

  • FOCUS POINT: Full table reset awareness! When cleaning a table, all areas should be checked and reset. This means ensuring that the table (and salt & peppers) are wiped, benches or seats are checked and wiped, floor is free of all debris, and windows or window ledges are clean.


  • When filling sauces, wipe down the sides, bottom, and handles of the sauce container (4qts/8qts) if needed, so they don’t go back on the shelf all saucy. 

  • BOH Closers - Please check behind & sweep/mop the fry freezer as part of your floor cleaning process. There have consistently been small piles of fries left the next morning. 

  • FOCUS POINT:  Focus on floor cleaning sweeping during down time! Let's all be more diligent cleaning of floors, sweeping and mop/shop vacuuming of spaces (under fryers, behind fry freezer, under bread shelf, and soup station).