
  • We have a super busy weekend ahead of us! Here is the run down for OSU Sports coming at us: Thursday we have a Women’s Basketball game. Friday, we have a Baseball game. Saturday is full of Women's Basketball, Baseball, & Men’s Basketball. Then to wrap up the weekend we have OSU wrestling. Be ready for the hustle!

  • All the cups & all the glassware need to be bussed DIRECTLY to the bus station. No cups or glasses should be bussed directly to the dishpit–no straws or lemons should be dumped in the sinks in the back. 

  • When breaking down the beverage dump tub that holds the straws/lemons be sure to burn the ice in the dump tub first & then toss the remaining straws/lemons into the garbage–no dumping it directly into the sink.      

  • FOCUS POINT: Communication & team work! Let’s buckle up for a busy weekend! Communicate 86’d items, call backs on the line, communicate with the hosts what tables are cashed, communicate, communicate, communicate, & be sure to be checking out with everyone!     


  • Great work checking in with guests that have drinks if they have a tab with the bar & getting them transferred to their table. BEFORE ringing in any new drinks or food please be sure that those checks have officially been transferred over to the correct table match so that we can be sure to get their food/drinks to the correct place & they don’t sit in the window for a long period of time.

  • Friendly reminder, that as we are starting to seat the Game Room on a more regular basis, servers please make sure the signs get flipped when taking the GR as a section AND again once phased from that section.  

  • FOCUS POINT: Bussing Glassware Awareness: It might be convenient to bus glassware & cups to the dish pit but having straws, lemons, and lots of ice in the sink is not convenient for the kitchen’s ability to use the sink. Be sure to bus all cups & glassware to the bus station. straws & lemons in the dish pit awareness!!              


  • Before going down to Prep or before leaving for the night be sure to check out with the dishwasher & take a load of plastic down with you.  

  • When grinding pepper in prep it needs to go through the food mill before it gets backed out.

  • Smoker wood is larger now so 1 piece is equivalent to one smoker load–not 3 pieces.

  • When completing lists be sure to sign off AFTER tasks have been completed. 

FOCUS POINT: Checking Out Procedure Awareness-after checking out with the line, dish & prep be sure to check out with FOH Bar, if they are busy assisting a customer please be patient.