• We’re going to start leaving all togo boxes Open as they are put up in the window for the takeout lead to double check the order. Still remember to number the boxes properly. 

  • Please always pull your manager off the floor, away from all customers and employees before discussing any symptoms you may have, as this is a private matter. Furthermore, if you overhear discussion of someone else’s symptoms please respect their privacy and do not discuss this information with other employees.  

  • Continue being diligent about checking Mac Sauce and Bier Cheese consistency. This is everyone’s responsibility! Always check the amount of water in the basin of the soup warmer that holds those as well. 


  • For the delivery vehicles, park in the lot next to the Tibetan House Building again until further notice. 

  • Take out leads: please organize the yellow kitchen tickets in order on your expo side. Leads please use this to assist with numbering Togo boxes to stay ahead of the game. You can close up the Togo boxes after you have double checked the sold items against the yellow expo ticket. Try to stay on top of this to conserve space in the window. 

  • Pasta lids should never go on until the pasta is being bagged as they melt in the window.

  • When taking dine in orders, please offer sauces in the moment so those can go out with the food the first time rather than having to make a second trip once the food hits the table. 

  • Continue to take menus off tables after you take their order, unless they request to keep it. Leaving one beer menu is acceptable but rather than that most people just end up using them as placemats if you leave them. 

  • Also please help assist cleaning menus/ server books/ check holders as you go rather than letting these pile up. Of course, there are busy times where this isn’t possible but remember to stay on top of these little things during slow times. 


  • Reminder: Korean Rice bowls now come with Wontons on top as a garnish. Hummus now comes with a garnish of crush hazelnuts on top of the hummus cup. 

  • Regarding take out: The yellow ticket should always be given to the takeout lead so they can assist with numbering boxes. 

  • Leads please always utilize your dishwasher for help on the line (when needed) if they are trained. 

  • The rubber mat by the ice bin needs washed every night like the rest of the mats. 

  • Be diligent about making sure bullets are fully rinsed before putting them through the dishwasher. Double check they are clean before stacking them all together. 

  • We are seeing improvement on items being double initialed/ checked but we would like to see this on every item every time. 

  • Great job on doing temps this week. Keep it up!!!