• Please date all juices & dairy products when opening them, including the new Columbia Gorge juices.

  • Soup tasters should be a spoonful only! If you need a small break to eat a cup of soup please ask your manager, ring in your purchase, and take your short snack break in the appropriate areas of the restaurant to eat. All breaks should be at a time approved by your float or manager on the floor.

  • Used Mop heads should always be taken down at night. With that being said the restaurant should only be using 2 a day. Kitchen & dish pit should share one, upstairs & downstairs closers should share one.

  • Please don’t leave personal belongings (clothes, shoes, etc.) in the changing room – you can use your cubby, and any additional personal items can be stored by the hooks where backpacks go. (Pretty soon we will have mamas who need to use the changing room for more personal needs, and we want them to be able to enjoy their break without smelling your shoes) 😊


  • “No Minor’s after 10:30 PM” sign should only be put up on late night closes (Friday & Saturday nights)

  • Please be diligent about dating/ description on Lost & Found items. Its difficult to sort & get rid of clutter if we don’t know how long items have been left here.

  • Reminder on phasing: hosts should be clocked off within 10 minutes, servers should be clocked off within 15 to 20 minutes unless given permission otherwise such as watching a break.

  • When seating an outside table please always confirm you have a server available first. We want customers outside to receive just as diligent of service.


  • Every shift please bring your dirty aprons to the dirty hamper basket downstairs. We wouldn’t want to start using nametags 😊

  • When checking out with prep please refer to a manager or lead for what quick tasks you can help them with.

  • Use 8 pieces of Tempeh when subbing for Tenders in the Sriracha Chicken Mac

  • Keep a large metal bullet taped over the switch on the Smoker while it’s in use to prevent it from being turned off accidentally.

  • Plating should always be important. Especially on dishes that show like pastas and salads, take an extra moment to make it look as bomb as it tastes!