• We will be open our regular hours on both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

  • FOCUS POINT: Stay Healthy! As we wrap up the holiday season, continue to take care of yourself, stay hydrated, get rest, and stay home if you feel sick!


  • Please make sure that we are still pushing packaged beer sales as much as we can!

  • The specials board should be as accurate as possible throughout the day. Please try and update the specials board as quickly as possible when a change needs to be made, especially when we are busy. If we are not running any specials that day please put “Happy Hour 3-5” (on the days we run happy hour) or highlight a menu item.

  • Please make sure that we are ringing in the bar patrons’ orders accurately. This means ringing in items under the proper bar seat number and not ringing it in under a random letter.

  • This is the last full week of December specials! Please try and push these items!

  • FOCUS POINT: Wine standards! It is extremely important that we make sure we preserve our wine the best we can to ensure customers are getting the quality product we want. Please be sure to date it the day you open it, use the wine preserver spray nightly, and anything still open after 3 days needs to be dumped out and wasted.


  • Have a safe and happy New Years! We appreciate all your hard work!

  • Keep up the great communication with FOH!

  • FOCUS POINT: Hot-hold temperatures! Please focus on recording all temps and adjusting hot hold temps if needed. They should be closer to 145° rather than 170°, the dials should be set just below halfway to achieve this.