• PLEASE pay your tabs as soon as you possibly can! If, for whatever reason, you cannot pay your tab, please speak with the manager on duty.

  • New outside furniture in the grass area. Please make sure they stay clean and in good shape. They do not need to be moved or locked up at night. With that, tables 34 and 35 are put away for the time being so the tables are 31-36. 

  • The time deadline for online Keg/Corni orders has changed from 5pm to 2pm on Thursdays. Please make sure to let folks know!

  • If you add anything to the order/prep list in the kitchen (straws, raspberry vanilla syrup, etc.), please add your initials next to said request in case anyone needs to check in.

  • FOCUS POINT: Keeping the walk-in organized and properly rotated! It is extremely important that we keep a safe work environment by keeping those walkways clear! We can all work together to keep our cooler organized and consolidated!


  • We should be fully wiping down tables when customers leave (this includes chairs) and resetting the tables appropriately

  • We need to ensure that umbrellas are being fully tightened when placed in their holders so that they do not blow away.

  • We should double-check the dates on our pinot noir and dump the bottle after it has been open for three days (please also ensure that you are dating the bottles when they are opened).

  • We have received quite a few questions from customers as of late regarding our new and exciting natural wines. Garrison has a wonderful suggestion as to how we should be discussing our wines with customers:

    • "Most conventional wines are doctored from steps a to z to taste and smell a very specific way. Hundreds of food additives can be used to achieve this narrow window. Our wine is natural, with nothing added or detracted aside from a very small sulfite addition to aid longevity, and is a true expression of the fruit itself. We go out of our way to purchase some of the best grapes grown in our region, and our goal is to allow them to speak for themselves."

  • FOCUS POINT: Let’s ensure that all tickets are being rung in correctly! It is extremely important that we are double checking table numbers and the mods of certain orders. It is always helpful if we read back the orders to customers! We also need to DOUBLE CHECK THAT CARDS ARE BEING PREAUTHORIZED.


  • We have new menu items coming out this Friday! Let’s try to learn the new procedures and plating styles by the time they are released!

  • We are replacing the mesa salad with the tomato and burrata salad this week. We will also be replacing the beet and broccoli reuben with the Z.A.T. this Friday, as well.

  • Let’s give some more love to our gas lines and floors that are located behind the grill on a daily basis!

  • FOCUS POINT:  We need to make sure that we are accurately filling out all lists (this includes the closing, cleaning, temperature check, and fryer lists). Even if you run out of time to complete any of said tasks, it's important that we communicate with others that these tasks need to be done the next day!

  • Tracking: Smiles and the blue heron