• Focus on the big picture! We want guests to feel great about QR code/Bar ordering so it is key to stay busy. If it feels slow a great way to do this is to pre-bus and take that time to check in with the guests and their food/experience! 

  • Mug Club 2021 is here y’all! Please check off their first Mug Club beer on the list behind the bar. This is also a list to check if someone is actually a Mug Club member if you aren’t sure :)

  • Umbrella(s): make sure we are aware of the wind and positioning of the umbrella(s) and are proactive in closing them if it becomes a potential hazard! This may happen during a peak time but we want our guests SAFE and our umbrellas not broken.

  • Reservations: Be aware of how many are in the same time slot!! Even though we aren’t providing table service this still affects the kitchen so give ‘em a break especially if it’s multiple big tops as this will raise ticket times. Still feel free to hold some tables (Barrel Room tends to be easiest as it is hidden) if ticket times are high.

    • Also for reservations, try to mostly reserve the patio tables, leaving the grass area for walk-ups. With that said, if a reservation wants to sit in the sunshine, great! That opens up a patio table for walk-ins. In the afternoon as the sun comes down all the tables end up in the sun anyway so it should be less of an issue.

  • Nashville Hot & Cold: Although it plainly states in the description this sandwich is served cold, if a guest asks for it to be warmed up tell them it is designed to be served cold and does not reheat well (loses its crispiness and can burn outside while not heat all the way through). If they are insistent then suggest some chicken tenders tossed in Wing instead even though this won’t be the same flavor it will be better than soggy, partially heated fried chicken...


  • Tracking Guacamoleeeeeeeee

  • There is a waitlist in the kitchen now - although it doesn’t track walk-ups it is at least a bit of an idea on what will be coming in at certain times!