• Welcome Board:

    • Bourbon Month is almost upon us!! 


  • Large brussels sprouts will now come in a blue bowl, while small brussels sprouts will come in a white soup cup. The way the portioning is for those, it looked a bit underwhelming having the large portion in the silver bowl.

  • Make sure you are giving/serving a very, very small portion of chips as the standard side! It is literally 1oz of chips! If you see more than that going out, say something and have them adjusted.


  • Ensure that you have clear and concise verbiage when explaining our side change. Say something along the lines of  “Your sandwich will come standard with potato chips, you can upgrade to a salad, soup, etc. for extra.” Please ask a manager if you feel uncertain how to clearly relay this!

  • On that note, only one side will be able to be chosen now for sandwiches - potato chips will be the standard with a $0 charge and a la carte will be $0 as well (essentially people won’t be getting a discount if they opt out of getting chips).  All other sides are $.75 less expensive than they are on the menu to account for the upgrade if the customer wants it. Additionally, if a customer wants chips and a salad, please ring in the sandwich with chips (standard) and then ring in a salad from the “Sides” button as you normally would. Sorry for the change up to an already somewhat complicated thing, and again please ask a manager if you’re confused! 

  • Let’s make sure that the bar dishwasher screens are getting sprayed out every night at close! At close - take out the screens in the bar dishwasher and spray in kitchen disphit, scrub the gunk out if necessary, and run through the kitchen dishwasher before putting back together! Openers, please check this for a bit going forward to ensure that it’s getting done, and alert a manager if not. 

  • Also make sure to pre-rinse glassware if there are large chunks of anything on/in them! That means smix seeds, coaster remnants, napkins bits, etc. etc. etc.

  • Don’t offer tri tip add-on to anything cause it’s expensive AF! $8 whole dollars!!!!!! If someone wants to add it and is adamant let them, but make sure they know the cost. The button will exist, but again don’t offer it.


  • Keep on keepin’ on!