Please keep the barrel at the end of the bar (B10) clear at all times...there should be no junk left on it, it looks cluttered and like a junk drawer!

Be on the lookout - soon the apple handpie will start coming with a house-made caramel sauce. Please get some feedback on this as you sell them, FOH!

We are going to implement an overarching scooter/bike/skateboard ban. This has become a major safety issue, and we’ve had some very close calls within our parking lot.. Instead of trying to tell parents to be careful or keep an eye on their kids as they scoot/ride around, we’ve decided it’ll just be easier to prohibit them overall. We will be coming up with some good signage to put up to make it more obvious, but in the meantime please communicate this with people as you see it happening. You can let them know that no riding is allowed anywhere on our property (patio, sidewalk to the south of the tap room, or parking lot). If parents still let their kids ride on the front, public sidewalk or in the street, there is nothing we can do except let them know that this is a high-traffic area and that it is at their own risk. If you have any questions regarding the policy or verbiage to use when speaking with parents/kids, please ask a manager. If any parents have any questions or complaints about the policy, please give them K10’s email and it can be dealt with accordingly.

BOH, we’re including you on this so if you are taking trash out/on break, you can feel empowered to say something or let FOH know.


Keep on rockin’!


Squash portioning is changing to 3oz. FYI!