
  • We have a quieter week of OSU Sporting Events this week! Saturday 3/16 ALL DAY: OSU PNW Track Invite 

  • The little individual foil wrapped butter pats have been tossed out. We are not going to replace them because we don't use them often enough. In the instance that someone wants butter we can get a square cut off from prep.

  • Repeat from last week: If you see empty boxes that need to be broken down in the break room, cellar, Soda Bib Boxes, & restock area please be sure to break them down & recycle them!!  

  • We now have a button for adding 1 scoop of Mac Sauce!! 

  • FOCUS POINT: Huge Shout Out of Appreciation!! This weekend was slammin’ & everyone killed it!! The entire team was on top of the madness and had awesome attitudes throughout it all! Any hiccups were also handled efficiently. Guests saw how well we were working together & mentioned that our staff were some of the kindest in the restaurant industry! As we dive more into the busy season let’s be sure to give prop’s to one another as we are one amazing team!! In other words, “Who have you high fived today?!”  


  • We have a new vacuum! Please be gentle as the last one seemed to break due to the power cord being pulled too far out from the main unit (there was about 3in of exposed wires).

  • When running food tickets or placing them up on the ticket rail, please put them in time order (oldest tickets to the right, newest to the left) and run them in order of oldest to newest tickets. We all want to run our own tickets, but should be focusing on getting food to guests when it’s hot.

  • Remember to be diligent about emptying bus tubs, silverware pans, and drink racks often throughout the shift. If we stay on top of these pieces, we can avoid running out of items during a busy rush.

  • Reminder to update the kitchen on table seating when working with no host at lunch/late night. When we are slowing down, the kitchen utilizes that time to run breaks, clean, & restock so it is important to communicate what has been sat so they don’t get overwhelmed with an unexpected rush without enough support on the line. 

  • FOCUS POINT: Updating Available Tables on the Host iPad! Let’s be sure that after cleaning & resetting a table that we mark it on the iPad as AVAILABLE or let the host know to do so–especially upstairs tables! Hosts having to run upstairs to check availability / help bus leaves the host stand unattended for too long when busy–sometimes they can’t get up there at all to check! If the iPad is up to date it helps keep the flow going smoothly whether during lunch when we don’t have a host or during dinner when we do have a host–the iPad is a key point of communicating where to seat guests.  


  • Tracking: Mac Sauce–Over the last week we sold 36lb 6.75oz of mac sauce and used 39 lb 2 oz, we are missing 2 lb 11.25 oz leaving us at a 7% loss. Y'all have done an excellent job scoopin’ cheese sauce in the last 3 weeks! Moving on to tracking a secret item this next week.

  • Tracking: Kimchi–Portion is 1/3 C, or 3 oz. Over seven days we used 281 oz, had 3 oz on the waste chart, and used 276 oz. This is a loss of 2 oz, or 0.7%. Right on track with the last period, and spot on.

  • Line: When selling tickets pin the ticket under the bell or visibly under a plate so the ticket won’t get lost/blow away.

  • FOCUS POINT–Line: Let's focus on station organization by making sure we are stocked up on food, plates, To-Go containers, spatulas, mixing bowls..etc before a rush!! Keeping stocked up will make sure that we are prepared and that we won't have to grab these items when we get super busy. 

  • FOCUS POINT–Prep: Let's be strategic & proactive about closing. Start backing things out (and running dishes!) early so we don't have a dish pile. Floors and dishpit take the longest time so they are the highest priority to start--someone should be sweeping if others are already started on the smaller closing tasks, and whoever is running dishes should be wiping down the dishwasher/setting up to close the dish pit.