
  • We have a busy week ahead of us with Veterans Day & No School for the kiddos on Friday, OSU Men's Basketball Friday, a home OSU Football Game Vs Stanford at 2:30 pm Saturday, & OSU Women's Basketball on Sunday!!  

  • We have updated the Toast Interface so be sure to take the time to slow down as we adjust to the changes. 

  • FOCUS POINT: Food Feedback Awareness!! Food feedback is an integral part of hospitality, not only does it assist us in communicating what we are doing great & what adjustments we can make, but it also allows us to be more intentional about our guest experience. Allowing yourself to slow down as a server/food runner & being aware if something needs to be fixed also lets our guests know that we are present for them during their experience. This is a friendly reminder that as we are slowing down to give great hospitality, that we should be able to get specific feedback on menu items (especially new items). Also, please be sure to write these down on the Food Feedback Sheet on the freezer in the kitchen.


  • As we are moving more into self hosting at lunch, we would like to encourage you to spend some time with the Toast Tables in your downtime. We want to make sure everyone plays around with it to get more familiar with it.

  • Make sure that you FULLY complete a task on shift change or side work lists (this goes for servers, hosts, and food runners) before marking it off, and that we aren’t starting these lists super early in the shift. Most side work should be completed towards the tail end of the lunch/dinner rush, so that the staff is set up for the rest of the day/the next morning. Marking off a task before you do it only increases the chances of it being marked but forgotten about.

  • After using the vacuum be sure to empty out the canister–especially at night after cleaning the booths to set up the opener! This will also be added as a task to double check that it has been emptied nightly.

  • FOCUS POINT: Communication Awareness!! With the switch to our new format on weekdays, it will be super important to communicate with your fellow servers, bartender, and everyone in the kitchen as to what is going on on the floor and in your section. Getting into the habit of communicating will make for a smoother shift.


  • Be careful when removing foil or paper seals from oil jugs, mustard/mayo jugs, etc. Detach the whole thing, or if you are making a little triangle to pour through, detach the whole triangle piece. Otherwise, loose bits can come off when pouring and end up in the food.

  • Closers, please toss the 1/6 pan of lemon water we use for sliced pears. Also, if we still have a 1/2 pear in it at the end of night it might stand a better chance of staying fresh if it gets wrapped, labeled, dated, & refrigerated.

  • Prep: When you open a bucket of Thai slaw, please take the plate out. It holds the mix down while it initially pickles, but it doesn't need to stay in the bucket after that.

  • Prep: Please don't mix different types of cans in the can rack rows. If you have a couple extra cans that won't fit, put them on the shelf above the can rack.

  • FOCUS POINT–Line:  Carefully Close Refrigeration Doors Awareness!! Please do not let the refrigeration doors slam–this destroys the seals, & if you're unfortunate enough to be bending down next to it it really hurts the ears!

  • FOCUS POINT–Prep: Recipe Spec Awareness!! As you're working on new/newer-to-you recipes, please check with the prep lead to make sure everything is to spec-- size of chopped items, consistency of hot items, etc.