
  • Here is the run-down for all things coming at us, this week is a heavy hitter!! Linn-Benton Community College Graduation–Thursday June 15th! Friday June 16th is the last day of school for all Corvallis schools! OSU Graduation–Saturday June 17th! Father’s Day–SUN June 18th!!  

  • If you see a wet floor sign out but it is no longer wet (such as bathrooms once it's dried after the swiffer or the stairs) please pull the wet floor signs and put them away. Many stay out for much longer than they should.

  • To Go Bier Cheese 4 oz containers should only be filled ½ full for To-Go Pretzel orders.   

  • FOCUS POINT: Safety Call Awareness! We are a busy restaurant and we are all busting our buns making sure that we are running like a well oiled machine, so with that said it is extremely important to give Safety Calls i.e. CORNER, BEHIND YOU, SHARP, HOT!       


  • When pre-busing & bussing tables please don’t carry dirty glassware and dirty plates against your body. Instead please utilize trays or make multiple trips.

  • Friendly reminder to slow down when changing money out of the bar register, and please double check your count before walking away from the till or throwing money into the tips. 

  • FOCUS POINT: Take the Time to Ring in Orders Correctly Awareness!! Let’s make sure that we are taking a moment before sending tickets through to ensure that all foods & drinks are rang in correctly. If you have a question about an item, feel free to check in with a Lead or Manager BEFORE sending the ticket–this will create less damage control. This goes for behind the bar as well, double check tickets when pouring, communicate, & remember “Don’t Make” when sending in tickets that have already been made. Also, a reminder to take deep breaths. 


  • Hang up potholders on the hook in the kitchen & put your apron in the laundry BEFORE clocking.

  • Please wipe out the gross standing water in the bottom of the chef base. It can be checked nightly when flipping/wiping down the chef base by pulling the drawers all the way out and removing any water/food/lids/etc. 

  • Even with the busy weekend we need to be sure that we are taking the time to take temps–with this warmer weather, we need to be really on top of making sure all our units are running properly. 

  • Please be careful to not let the doors slam on the refrigeration units! This damages the seals, and if someone is looking in one of the other doors the pressure change is really bad for the ears.

  • FOCUS POINT: Stay Hydrated & General Preparation Awareness!! With the busy graduation weekend ahead of us, be sure to keep yourself hydrated, well rested, & informed on menu changes for the weekend. Also be sure to be clocking in on time, ready to go for each shift with a hot pad, Sharpie, & clean apron.