• Please take the time to clean up spilled ice after filling the buckets in front of the ice machine! This is a safety hazard if left to melt. 

  • As we are transiting new items on the menu, food feedback is very important to us whether it be from a customer or your own meal, don’t be shy and write down some feedback on the sheet that lives in the kitchen or the server clipboard. 

  • Let’s be extra mindful of what we throw in a compost bag, if garbage is found in it the entire bag will not be composted. Just a reminder, the Agave straws are not compostable but they will biodegrade in the garbage overtime.  


  • With business ramping up it easily becomes loud in the kitchen, let’s be mindful of our volume for the kitchen staff who are trying to communicate with each other and always go to the Lead with requests such as sauces needed, fly tickets, edits to food items, etc. 

  • The three Compton Wines we carry currently have a label that looks nearly identical minus the different names. Let's take an extra moment when unpacking deliveries to be deliberate about putting them away correctly in their labeled space. This helps tracking and prevents wasted product later! 

  • On the subject of wine, if you’re pouring the Pinot Gris off tap, let it settle in the measuring glass before pouring into the wine glass to prevent the residual grape skin from going into the glass. While there is nothing wrong with this in the product it does not present well. 

  • Please bus all cocktail glassware to the grey racks in the kitchen unless a bartender is actively loading the bar dishwasher. We really do not want B6 through B8 to look like a bus station as it should be clear for people to walk up and order.

  • Sanitizer towels should live in the sani bucket, not next to the bucket on the counter. For sanitation purposes it is best to be submerged again between uses. It also doesn’t present well to have piles of towels laying around.


  • The new fish product is a little more delicate and tends to fall apart with tongs. Try using your hands instead, then washing up and changing your gloves. This may be an extra step but it makes for a better finished product. 

  • Remember to be specific when waste logging, such as specifying the fish went to waste before or after preparation.  

  • Openers, please remember to check in with the bartender in the morning to let them know what 86’d items from the night before are ready to be put back in stock in the computer.