• The Saturday Sale at the Taproom is ending May 22nd. 

  • Please remember to break down boxes & take them out to recycle before moving on to another project! Oftentimes we get busy and the task accidentally gets left for someone else like the closer.

  • Due to the change in product and way it's portioned, Fish and Fries will now come with three pieces of fish. 

  • Teamwork makes the dreamwork! You all have been on top of helping each other out, even before being asked. Thanks so much for continuing to be a part of building up a great team. 


  • The Mug Club application closes this Friday (5/14) at 5 PM. 

  • Please make sure to leaf blow all the way from the back Server door to Caves’ front door. As we’re headed into nicer weather we want to be aware of the cleanliness of our outdoor seatable areas just as much as indoors. 

  • Please water all the large planters outside (along 3rd street) with a whole pitcher per planter, everyday. They just got replanted and look beautiful so we want them to stay nice and healthy! 

  • Our guest beer serving style is changing slightly. From now on the bartender will leave a rinsed Tulip glass for all 12 oz cans (or the correlating size glass for the size of can), and the guest beverage will be poured tableside by the server. 

  • Don’t double stack cups in the drink rack as this just makes dishes pile up for the dishwasher and potentially will make us run out of glassware during the rush. 

  • Please lock the umbrellas into the base, If you don’t know how please ask! With the wind they tend to whip around and this can be unsafe for customers. 


  • For safety and cleanliness purposes please take an extra moment when closing to clean the inside of the fryer doors to remove excess grease. 

  • Prep staff, when checking out with the line upstairs please check in a half hour to an hour before you’re actually done downstairs. You can be communicative if you’ve had a long day so they don’t pass along too many duties. 

  • Line openers, we will be publishing a new and improved opening list. This will have many changes on it so make sure to refresh yourself with the new expected duties.