• The Alley Door should never be propped open unless multiple people are coming in and out of that door to load a vehicle in the Alley. Double check that the door has been closed when you are finished with your project. 

  • Let’s serve the Spinach Artichoke Dip with enough spoons so each customer has their own utensil. 

  • An updated beer education program is coming out soon, Stay tuned!

  • The Artisan plate and Winter vegetable salad is phasing off the menu on our next menu change.  

  • We’re going back to using Painted Hills beef for our burgers.

  • Remember to finish up projects you start, if you unload a delivery or restock the beer cooler make sure to break down boxes and flats and take the recycling out so it doesn’t pile up for others at the end of the day. 


  • As it is warming up we would like all outdoor heaters (electric and propane) to stay off unless requested by the customer or by your best judgement if it is a chillier day. No need to waste the energy when it's a nice day! 

  • To meet our service standards, please use a tray when running more than two drinks of any kind. Also, utilize trays when bussing tables for sanitary purposes. Make sure to sanitize the tray after bussing before it winds back up in a tray holder. 

  • If you do help the bar by changing a keg, never put the blue cap back on an empty keg. 

  • All non-alcoholic hot beverages should be made by the server and are no longer printed to the bar. 

  • Please remember to keep the Mill Room door closed as guests are now being seated in the Gameroom. 

  • Whenever there are two hosts staffed it is expected that one of you are at the host stand outside at all times to greet customers. Please make sure to work as a team and communicate where you will be in the restaurant if you're doing more than seating a table and coming back. Communication is key to running a smooth and successful restaurant! 

  • Our Seek Out Seltzer flavor is changing to Raspberry Meyer Lemon starting 4/16. 


  • The Caves opener will transfer over to the Pub to phase the mid when it’s slow. Due to everyone being cross trained make sure and use the bodies you have to make both kitchens run efficiently even if that means someone floats between two kitchens. 

  • Let’s use the mayo spreader especially on the BLT.

  • Prioritize keeping your stations clean and tidy, especially in downtime, change your sanitize and then do a wipe down of all commonly touched surfaces or utilized counter tops. 

  • Cleaning out the bottom of the fry freezer was added to the opening list, once a week. Make sure to not stock the freezer the night before to prevent extra work for the opener. On other evenings where you do restock the freezer, please remember to rotate the fries just like anything else. 

  • When opening a bag of Sweet potato fries empty into an 8 quart to put in the freezer to prevent spillage. 

  • Dishwashers, please don’t forget to complete your nightly cleaning project before checking out.