• Please refresh yourself on our break policy print out. Just a friendly reminder!


  • Focus Points have returned, check it out on the whiteboard

  • Make sure we’re keeping the bar lookin’ fresh! Keep it clean and organized. Make sure our beers are stocked, dirty glassware is put away and it is decluttered. Also make sure trash is picked up from the ground consistently.

  • $5 cards can be used! There is a button in Square, use a discount instead of using it as cash. Please rip/mark up the $5 card and put it in the tip jar. If you have any questions ask a Manager.

  • If a customer has a $5 off of $30 discount card use Manager Amount Off and please log it on the discount sheet!

  • Make sure we are taking apart and washing the slushy overflow pan nightly! Also keep an eye out as we are adding slushy machine cleaning to Mon/Thurs/Sat opening duties and we have a video of how to clean it that will be in the Brewsletter. There are also step by step instructions in the binder.

  • A reminder to rinse/scrub dirty slushy glassware before running it through the dishwasher.


  • Keep on keepin’ on