
  • Expect another busy weekend!! It's OSU Family Weekend with an OSU vs UCLA football game Saturday at 5p.m!!   

  • FOCUS POINT: Block 15 Uniform Awareness!! While we welcome individuality in styles we do require:

    • A.) Employee attire must be properly well-fitting, presentable, professional, family-friendly, & clean. Also, clothing must be free of prominent logos from other brands. Beaver Gear is OK!

    • B.) A Block 15 logo or graphic must be prominently displayed on top/outer layers of clothing. Those items can include pins (can borrow from the bar), apron, shirt, sweatshirt, hat or other Block 15 branded items.  

    • C.) For safety reasons we also require all FOH & BOH employees to wear non-slip shoes. 

  • If you have any further questions pertaining to what is appropriate, please check in with the manager on duty. You can also reach out to Shelby or reference the Block 15 Employee Handbook.


  • Hosts please send folks up to the bar with beer menus if they check in at the host stand first. We’ll have a lot of folks looking to get drinks while they are waiting for a table this busy weekend.

  • When running food please use a steak knife for the Pork Schnitzel vs a dull butter knife.

  • A friendly reminder to use a tray as often as possible when bussing tables--it will make the whole process a lot faster which is key during busy weekends!  

  • FOCUS POINT:  Food Feedback Awareness!! The food feedback form has been looking a little bare recently, & food feedback allows us to make adjustments where needed. We encourage you to give any feedback whether it's positive or negative also whether it's your personal food items or customer feedback. If something is wrong with the dish (like how it was made, or prepped) a kitchen Lead or Manager must know ASAP.    


  • Be sure to take tape off of containers, backers, fifos, and lids. Old labels can be misleading about dates/items.

  • Prep: We will go back to cutting add-on chicken that we send to the Tap Room.

  • FOCUS POINT–Line: UP-Stock & Re-Stocking Awareness!! Older backs of food have been found lately in make tables with newer ones above being used first. Let's make sure when we re-stock that we are diligent about checking the whole table for an item before going to the walk-in for a new one. 

  • FOCUS POINT–Prep: Walk-in Organization Awareness!! When putting things away, double check that items are grouped and rotated. Make sure everything is visible--you may need to move other containers around. If you're not sure, ask the prep lead.