
Focus: It’s gonna be toasty! The temps are definitely up this week so please stay hydrated and take care of yourself if you start to feel overheated!

  • Once we 86 Tomato Basil soup, please move the sour cream fifo for garnish back over to where the rest of the fifos go so that it gets back into proper rotation and used. We don’t want to waste sour cream because it was left off to the side.


Focus: Coaster usage! I know we went without for quite some time but now that we have coasters back in stock, please make sure we are dropping them in front of guests as we greet tables. This is not only essential to a positive guest experience but also lets the hosts know when a table has been greeted.  

  • Well awareness: Make sure we are double checking tickets and not pulling drinks without tickets being sold. Also, if you don’t see your drinks up, feel free to check in with the bartender on how long it could be before they are. If they’re almost up, great! If it’s gonna be a bit, please do a lap to take care of other tasks and check back. We shouldn’t default to standing in the well as it’s a high traffic area.

  • Communication: Let’s check in with each other before feeling overwhelmed. Hosts, keep note of how quick we are seating servers-if you see coasters on tables that’s your cue to seat a server again, or just ask! Servers, don’t hesitate to ask for help & reach out to a lead or the Float if you need assistance getting drinks to a table, etc. Hosts also be sure to communicate with our kitchen lead as you set the pace.

  • With higher temps, we’re seeing more condensation from our pipes in the brewery. Your bartender/float may ask that you shopvac the brewery floor towards the end of your shift to help keep standing water to a minimum in that area.

  • It is everyone’s responsibility to help run food, especially when we don’t have a designated food runner. If you have a second, please run food to a table (even if it’s not yours). We want our guests receiving their food as quickly as possible.

  • Before heading on break, make sure to let your manager know you're heading off the floor. We may know you have food fired but we also need to know to know when you are actually off the floor.

  • And lastly, plant watering! Make sure we are hitting all of the plants in the large barrels/planters out front with a large 5gal bucket of water 2x a day during these hot spells. The water should be gently poured over with a pitcher, not all dumped at once as this will wash away soil. Hosts, you have a watering sign off sheet with your lists.


Focus: Temperature and refrigeration awareness! Please take care to perform temps at or close to the designated times on your temp charts, gather accurate readings, and let the manager or lead on duty know if there are any concerns based on readings. We can help out our units by keeping lids closed on the tables during slower times. 

  • Prep: When you brine Sunday chicken, label the bucket "Sunday chicken" so it doesn't get smoked on Saturday.

  • We are still seeing garnishes and other items (ex. banana peppers) left on top the make tables at night. These items do not maintain proper temperatures. All food must be at or below the level of the metal bars (so actually fully set into the top of the table), or go underneath the table.

  • Openers when doing garnish for soups, check what has been left below and discard any old garnish on soup station.