• New menu changes are coming soon! The Taproom specifically will have some big updates so even if you don’t work at this location make sure you check out the menu to be able to properly answer questions. ● Sweet potato fries are coming back with the Fall menu change! 

  • Food Feedback: Chicken tenders (Pub) Biscuits and Gravy ( Brunch). Please make sure to pass along any feedback you receive on these items this week! 

  • Just a reminder our front door needs to be used as an entrance only and all other side doors are exits


  • Hosts & Upstairs servers, please be aware of foot traffic. The front staircase should be people heading up only and the back staircase should be headed down only. Gently remind customers if they are headed the wrong direction. ● Everyone should feel empowered to ask patrons to put their masks on as they are roaming around the restaurant if they forget, not just management. 

  • Walkie talkies need to be worn by one Host, the Float and Caves Bartender. New earpieces coming soon that should function a little better. 

  • Keep an eye out for updated lists at Caves & for Takeout/ Delivery Staff. Thank you Rachel! ● Starting brunch delivery this upcoming weekend. 

  • Starting today 9/29/20, the Delivery Van should be left in number 2 spot in the Alley at night (Second spot from Caves back door). The Tacoma needs to be parked on 4th street everynight in a yellow 10 hour parking spot, MAKE SURE THE PARKING PASS IS HUNG FROM THE REARVIEW MIRROR

  • As we have a lot of staff from the takeout/ delivery side of Caves assisting in support staff roles like running food & cleaning tables, please feel free to tip them out as a pooled amount on your Tip Slip at the end of your shift. This will be added to their pooled tips for them to be split accurately. 


  • When prepping, Please record any excess of an item such as Spinach Artichoke Dip that is getting distributed into other boats (over its weight) since it doesn't make a complete portion. We want to track this so we know it’s getting utilized and not going into a waste category. 

  • Sarah put up a Burger temp guide at each location, take a moment to review this so everyone is consistent. Also lets get back in the habit of resting those burgers for a moment before plating so the bun quality doesn’t get soggy. ● As we are reorganizing the Caves kitchen to best be utilized, please take note of these changes and continue putting things away in their new home as you clean at the end of the night. Also, there will be more items being held hot on the chef side. If you have a suggestion, please bring these ideas to Patrick rather than just changing something so we can all be on the same page of where things are at. Thank you Patrick for continuing to try and make the space the most efficient!